Thursday, February 4, 2010


BYU - Idaho
Last semester I decided that I am done with Rexburg.
Now don't get me wrong, I love the school, I love the people.
But I hate the weather! And I'm just ready for something new; the next stage of my life.

I took on 19 credits this semester so I could finish my AS degree in general studies with a cluster in Early Childhood. And come April 10, I will be done! I set out filling out college applications...again! Stressing since I can't gain residency in a different state since my parents still claim me as a dependent in Washington. How do people pay for college? Seriously?

I prayed last night that things would work out and I would be able to finish my bachelor's degree without taking out a loan.

Today after my classes I came home and checked my email hoping for an admissions such luck. I decided to check the application website just in case they decided to be sneaky and not email me. Sure enough a decision had been made.

I have been accepted to BYU-Hawaii!

I'm still waiting to hear back from BYU in Provo, but knowing that I have one option that I can afford has set me at ease! Plus it's a warm option!! :)


Brianne said...

Hawaii?? That would be so fun! The only problem with that are the expensive plane tickets. Yikes. But it is so beautiful and warm there! I had two roommates go there for a spring term and they took hula as a class. Pretty cool.

Chelsea said...

Dani! Your blog is super cute :) Lets be blogger friends haha
but I'd like to recommend BYU provo!
I miss ya and hope you're doing good!