Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home for Christmas

It feels so good to be home for Christmas! I made it through finals!...barely but I made it none the less! =D
The last Sunday a few of our FHE members decided that we should have a FHE Christmas dinner. So we did. We had lasagna and enchiladas. Frozen peas, with string beans. A bowl of frozen fruit, and a can of peaches. Dinner like true college students! Most everyone came and it was really fun! Then we acted out the Nativity. It was a disaster but made for a great laugh! I’ll have to post it on here!
None of that beats being home though! Although getting here was an adventure! I had a flight out of I.F. at 1:00 it landed in Salt Lake at 2:00 and I had a flight to Seattle that left at 2:30. Well of course it snowed! And my flight from I.F. was delayed almost 2 hours! Needless to say I missed my second flight! Anyways a girl from my home ward was on my same flight to Salt Lake so we just sat and talked in the I.F. airport. When we finally got to board the plane I was so excited that I left my phone in the airport. When I got on the plane and went to turn it off I couldn’t find it anywhere! I was freaking out and then to make things worse the guy sitting next to me wouldn’t stop talking! I finally just went to sleep so I didn’t have to try to make small talk! So we got to Salt Lake and I called my mom from my friend’s phone and she called and got it suspended. Then I called another girl from my stake that was in the I.F. airport, and she said that they were on the plane but weren’t taking off because it was snowing too hard. But she called me back after a little while and said that they had let them off the plane and she went and found it! I was so excited! So we met up in Seattle and I got it back that night! But anyways so I got to Salt Lake and had to go switch my flight so I could get back to Seattle since I missed my first flight to Seattle! Then me and my friend went to get Cinnabons and we were eating them and we found hair in both of them! Gross!
But I got home in the end! It has been so nice to finally sleep again! Ever since white glove last Saturday I haven’t been able to go to sleep before 3. I got home Friday night and started cleaning around 6:30 I cleaned till 4:30 when I decided to sleep for a few hours! Then I woke up at 6:30 got ready finished cleaning and went to my voice recital! The rest of the week I just couldn’t sleep before 3 and of course that was the week of finals! Haha! So sleeping in everyday has been nice!
I thought I was going to make it through my whole first semester without any snow, and I was SO excited! But alas at about 10:00 Friday night it started snowing, like real snow! It had snowed a few times before that but not enough to really do anything. But it snowed all night! At about 4:30 in the morning I walked outside to go to my neighbors and it was snowing so hard and the wind was blowing so hard that it was just all white and you couldn’t really see anything! (This does not have me excited for Winter Semester!) By the time I woke up in the morning there was 4 to 6 inches! Haha so I missed missing the snow by less than 24 hours! What a bummer! And then…I come home to snow in Seattle! I just can’t seem to get away from this stuff! At least it’s a bit warmer here! The other night it was 9 degreed! Not fun!
Anyways, I’m excited for Christmas! Now that I’m home and there’s Christmas decorations up and everything it’s finally starting to feel like Christmas! I’m excited for Kristi to come home and then all 6 of us will be here and it will feel like Christmas even more!


Brianne said...

Wow, what a trip home! I'm glad that you made it and that you found your phone!!